Bob Krell
Marissa Clifford
Contributing Editors
Nate Adams
Allison Bailes III
Jeffrey C. May
Scott Nathan
Director, Audience Development
Alice Scolfield
Production Manager
David Daigle
Technology Manager
Shawn Macomber
Kristi Herke
Dez Wright
Audio/Visual Production
General Inquiries
Advertising Sales
888-752-6686 Ext. 2
Healthy Indoors is a publication of IAQnet LLC
4851 McDonald Road
Syracuse, NY 13215
Phone: 888-752-6686
Kristi L. Herke
Managing Member
Carol Weber
Business Manager Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2019
6 | January 2019
The New Year has arrived, and
with it, some exciting changes here
at Healthy Indoors Magazine!
Being All Things
to All People?
As publisher, I'm often asked, "Is
Healthy Indoors a B2B or B2C pub-
lication?" The answer is: YES—we
are both! Our original vision of
connecting the industry and con-
sumers still stands. While conven-
tional wisdom in publishing says
you can't be both, we've never
been much for following anybody's
sacred rules. This year we are
pushing the throttle on that vision
by enhancing our delivery and ex-
panding our reach to both sectors.
For starters, we have rede-
signed our digital edition with spe-
cialized sections for industry pro-
fessionals and consumers, making
it easier to find the content that in-
terests you. We've also added new
features and will continue to bring
in new content areas for our read-
ers throughout the year. Our dig-
ital edition will be published each
month, and available free to every-
one, worldwide.
Our print edition will now be pub-
lished quarterly, with its focus as
primarily a B2B industry magazine.
It will continue to be available for
free to qualified industry subscrib-
ers in the continental U.S. only, as
well as distributed at a host of in-
dustry events throughout the year.
And, speaking of events,
Healthy Indoors has media-part-
nered with a bunch of industry or-
ganizations again this year, so you
will be seeing us at many of the
upcoming meetings and confer-
ences in 2019. We will also be ex-
panding our online presence, both
through our https://HealthyIndoors.
com information website, and with
another offering of MIACQ's IAQ &
Energy Conference this fall, along
with numerous videos, webinars,
and other live-streamed offerings.
We've also cranked up our
marketing opportunities for our
advertisers by offering new digital
content delivery programs to help
them educate and better connect
with their target audiences. There
are even some exciting new ave-
nues for regional service providers
to reach their local audiences, too.
Thanks again for all your con-
tinued support—we couldn't and
wouldn't do this without you!
We're Cranking Things Up
Bob Krell
Founder & Publisher