Healthy Indoors Magazine - USA Edition

HI June 2019

Healthy Indoors Magazine

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IAQnet, LLC strives to use reliable sources and verify data, but makes no guarantee that information is complete or accurate; consequently, readers using this information do so at their own risk. Although persons and companies mentioned herein are believed to be reputable, neither IAQnet, LLC, nor its officers, employees, or contractors accept any responsibility whatsoever for the activities of any such persons or companies. © 2019 IAQnet, LLC 4 | June 2019 DEPARTMENTS 6 | Editorial 8 | News Live Wire Virtual Newsroom 10 | HI Forum 12 | Events Calendar Find out about Industry Events INDUSTRY 16 | VENTILATION: Is Your Building Ventilated Like Its 1978? by Tom Kolsun 22 | BUILDING SCIENCE Rx: How Often Should You Change the HVAC Filter? by Allison Bailes 24 | Sustainability Snippets: Introduction by Tom Murray 26 | TECHNOLOGY: Rapid Assay for Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems by Morten Miller 32 | Ask Dr. Alice: The "Green" Paint Myth by Alice Delia 36 | IAQ Radio — Watch the online weekly video podcast and its archived episodes. CONSUMERS 40 | May's Ways: Jeffrey May's monthly column on improv- ing your indoor environment. 46 | HEALTHY HOMES: Ultimate Guide to Protect Your House from Common Diseases by Steve McRae 56 | Moms Clean Air Force—News 16 | VENTILATION: Is Your Building Ventilated Like Its 1978? by Tom Kolsun. This year alone, you will bring into your lungs over 900,000 liters of whatever is in the air of that cool new office space. Would you drink 900,000 liters of water if I said, "I actually have no idea what's in it or how long it has been sitting in this room…but it's fairly clear and doesn't really smell too bad." Volume 7 No. 6 June 2019 46 | Building Science Rx: How Often Should You Change the HVAC Filter? by Allison Bailes When you buy the standard one-inch fiberglass filters for your HVAC system, the instructions on the package usually say to change it every 30 days. This advice gets repeated dutifully by a lot of people and organizations trying to help. 50 | HEALTHY HOMES: Ultimate Guide to Protect Your House from Common Diseases by Steve McRae You know what a healthy home is, but did you know that you can start transform- ing your home into a healthi- er place to live. Having done a ton of research and with the help of a few individuals, the healthy home concept has been researched by us to a large extent.

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