2 | October 2020
IAQ & Energy Conference
Looks to Bring
Online to Life By Susan Valenti
To look at the daily schedule for the Maine
Indoor Air Quality Council's (MIAQC)
annual conference, IAQ & Energy, you may
think you're actually going to a live in-person
event during 2019 and not 2020.
A Lesson in the Physics of
Airflows By Jeffrey May
Air is a fluid, like water, and like water, air flows.
Warmer air is less dense than cooler air, so
warmer air rises and cooler air sinks. In an en-
closed space, air warmed by some heat source
— a baseboard heating convector or a boiler, for
example — will rise and flow along the ceiling.
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Trick or Treat? By TomMurray
Well, it's October. Under normal circumstances,
for me, October is a grand time. The crispness in
the air is surpassed only by the squeals of children
dancing among the pumpkins.
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