Healthy Indoors Magazine
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18 | November 2020 SUSTAINABILITY Snippets By Tom Murray W e have been through a lot this year. The COVID-19 pandemic has been relentless, pounding us month after month, and taking from us the lives of our close friends and relatives. It has created an existen- tial dread that appears, at times, to be unshakeable. With each passing moment, we have struggled to keep the faith. With each passing day, we have waited anxiously for a cure. With each passing month, we have watched our economy crumble. In times such as these, we look to our na- tional leaders for hope and calm. That too has been stolen from us. Our scientific experts have been silenced. Our health- care providers and hospitals have been overwhelmed and our local leaders have had to find creative ways to maintain our good health and safety. And despite all of this, we, the people, stand tall and continue to hang together as a national community. Earlier this month, we elected a new president. As the final tallies were counted, I realized that I had been figuratively holding my breath since February when COVID-19 first reached our shores. And, watching this dem- ocratic process unfold on the news, I realized I was not alone. You could almost hear the collective exhale. For those of you who have been read- ing my offerings every month, you know that I write them with one eye focused on children. I have 11 grandchildren and not a day goes by that I don't think of their welfare and their future. Over the last several months, I have watched their young parents struggle to find balance economically and socially while keeping their children's fears and sorrows at bay. When the election was called in favor of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, all of those pent-up emotions came spilling forth and the whole world focused for a moment on our most precious resource, our children. On CNN, commentator Van Jones broke into tears as he said, "With this decision, it is easier to be a dad. It's easier to tell your kids that character matters." Moms and Dads of mixed marriages were hugging their children and hoisting them on their shoulders. Their fears of racial retaliation drained freely from their hearts and souls with a renewed hope that things were about to change for the better. Their little ones enjoyed the party not yet fully understanding its impact on their young lives. Foreign leaders welcomed America back to the fold and there was jubilation in the streets. Our Democra- cy once again withstood the storm. I know the excitement of the mo- ment and its historical significance will wane over the next several weeks and months, but it does feel good to en- joy it for now. So, during this month of thanksgiving, allow me to send out a few sustainability thank-you cards. First, to our youth. Your passion and your love for this planet is palpable. You grew up understanding environmental sustainability and thanks to you the United States will rejoin the Paris Climate Accord and once again join the fight to slow the advances of climate change. Moreover, your votes will lead to the channeling of much needed resources to efforts supporting the development and ex- pansion of renewable energy which will reduce carbon emissions and create jobs. Second, to American women. Your determination and grit made us all very proud. Thanks to you, we will keep the light shining on social and environmental justice concerns. You have become the backbone of our society and a beacon for every young girl in America to follow. Third, to our healthcare providers. Giving Thanks Welcome to November