Healthy Indoors Magazine - USA Edition

HI Nov 2020

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By Susan Valenti T here is no doubt that 2020 will go down in the record books for unimaginable strain on life and business. Yet, the silver in the lining is that the topic of air quality has become front and center for all of us. Not just outdoor air quality, which has always maintained its position as a key environ- mental topic, but indoor air quality and its trickle-down effect on life as we know it. This was the year that many physical businesses shut their doors because of inadequate air qual- ity systems and risk to employees. In addition, schools and retailers had to close their doors at times and limit the num- ber of people in these facilities in order to manage risk. For those of us in the air quality space, advancements in IoT, real-time monitoring, and artificial intelligence are prom- ising a new era of healthy work and living environments for the New Year. This level of innovation coupled with the latest technology to AQM could not be more perfectly timed as people face anxiety about returning to work and normal life. In the spirit of this level of innovation and optimism for the New Year, we have assembled a list of what to expect from the next generation of air quality monitoring and management solutions. Below is a snapshot look at what is in store for 2021 and beyond. Focusing on Getting Back to Work and Life – COVID-19 has disrupted our lives in unprecedented ways, but one of the most impactful ways is our ability to go into our offices. While open floor plans were once trendy, now plexiglass barriers are quickly being installed to try and create a sense of protection for employees. However, the sense of normalcy really comes when people feel safe at work and having a solution that helps clean the air you breathe is a smarter long-term investment for businesses. New air quality management solutions are addressing this challenge with high detection capabilities of threatening microparticles as well as built-in remediation systems. By offering building managers a clear view into their facilities and assurance that the air is clean, both operators and employees can feel confident that their work environments are safe to go back to. Monitoring Made Easy – We live in a world where data analytics is driving smart investments, and air quality manage- ment is no exception. But data is complex and can be challenging to read and manage. Building managers and operators should look for an air quality solution with an easy to read dashboard and web-based user interface that offers a clear visualization of the air. This allows for im- proved reliability and comfort for all who can see it. Customer-Friendly Apps and In-Building Displays – Work is only one aspect of life. New air quality displays can be installed in all facilities, commercial buildings, retail businesses, restaurants, and homes and offer custom- er-facing data presentment that can help people relax and know that the air they breathe is healthy. It can also add an extra level of trust and transparency between employ- ees or patrons and the companies they work or visit. Machine-Learning and AI – Advancements in technology have allowed for monitoring systems to in- corporate complex algorithms that can forecast situ- ations and identify challenges before they appear. The newest and most effective air quality solutions will have self-learning capabilities and proactive fault detection. 22 | November 2020 Top Trends in Air Quality Monitoring in 2021 By Vasileios Nasis, CEO Airthinx

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