Healthy Indoors Magazine - USA Edition

HI Nov 2020

Healthy Indoors Magazine

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24 | November 2020 S ome mornings the news is so bleak all I can do is read headlines or Twitter, not full articles. Do you do this, too? I hide under the covers and hope my remote-school- ing girls won't come ask me for things, as I drink coffee and scan news snippets on my phone, trying to muster up the strength to approach another day of living at home with all-of- my-family-members-all-the-time, dwindling work, fears about the future, and general misery that COVID-required distance means I'm maybe missing out on my parents' last viable years. (A dear friend's father just died. I wasn't at the funeral.) Every sentence I read jolts me: Systemic racism! Hours-long vot- ing lines! Climate denier appointed to the Supreme Court! Oh, the climate. It's hard to choose one stressor over the other presently, but the climate headlines are especially devastating. Part of our extended family that lives in California narrowly missed losing their house to wildfire. This article that links air pollution par- ticles in young brains to Alzheimer's put me over the edge. (I read that whole article, not just the headline; my beloved stepfather, currently stranded COVID-alone in a nursing home, has dementia.) My climate stress has everything to do with my kids' fu- ture. My poor, cranky, lovable, wonderful children. I have long worried about their climate burden. And now they're also missing everything. My 7 year-old yearns to be closer than six feet apart from her friends and would give anything for an indoor play date. My 14 year-old is in knots after seeing on Snap Chat that other people's parents allow her friends to hang out mask-free and in packs!?! We don't because…science. Of course, they should want these things. I want them for them, too! I suspect I scroll headlines because I can't fix any of this. Recently a tweet from the environmental journalist Amy Westervelt at least made me laugh: "Woke up thinking "welp child- hood had a good run." Too dark? Good morning, America!" Westervelt has been refreshingly honest about juggling parenting and work. I The Horror of Climate Anxiety By Alexandra Zissu

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