2 | March 2021
The Friends and Family Plan By Susan Valenti
Back in 2018, Glenn Morrison, Ph.D., a professor in Environmental Science and Engineering at the University of
North Carolina in Chapel Hill, wrote an editorial for the industry publication, Indoor Air. It's a pretty exquisite
piece of writing and thinking about our industry.
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EPA & NASA…Perfect
Together? By Tom Murray
When I first joined the U.S. EPA in 1971,
I was surprised to find myself working for
a manager who had been borrowed from
NASA. Back then, NASA satellites would be
one of our most effective tools to observe
and monitor water pollution and poor land
use practices.
Air Change Rates and IAQ
By Allison Bailes III, Ph.D.
Let's talk about one of my favorite subjects: air. Because of
the global COVID-19 pandemic and the novel coronavirus
(SARS-COV-2) that spreads it, the IAQ community is having
a moment.
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