46 | October/November 2021
MOMS Clean Air Force
Continued from previous page
passage in 1976. Richard has testified nu-
merous times before various Congressional
committees on the need for fundamental
reform of US policy toward industrial and
consumer chemicals and the policy elements
critical for such reform. He now leads EDF's
team working to secure strong implementa-
tion of the Lautenberg Act. Richard is a fre-
quent contributor to EDFHealth's blog, where
he posts both commentary and detailed
analyses of the emerging science and policies
affecting chemicals and nanomaterials in the
U.S. and internationally.
— critical if EPA is to restore the pro-
gram's scientific integrity and public
trust in its operation and decisions.
Richard A. Denison, Ph.D., has more than
30 years of experience in the environmental
arena, specializing in policy, hazard and risk
science and policy for industrial chemicals
and nanomaterials. As a Lead Senior Scientist,
he played a central role in pressing for reform
of the Toxic Substances Control Act and rep-
resented EDF in its advocacy work to secure
passage in 2016 of the Lautenberg Act that
overhauled TSCA for the first time since its