Healthy Indoors | 37
bourg so that their voices can be heard
at the United Nations (UN). As par t of
their mission, the UN Youth Delegates
will raise awareness about the Sustainable
Development Goals, making them acces-
sible, tangible and relevant for the lives
of young people in Luxembourg, while
at the same time creating synergies with
other youth initiatives, such as the Euro-
pean Union Youth Dialogue. These young
people will now accompany the diplo-
matic delegation of their government to
the meetings at the UN, and par ticularly
its General Assembly.
Next up: We will visit Switzerland and its
innovative recycling programs and I'll share
with you some of the new transformative
recycling efforts coming out of my old agen-
cy, the Environmental Protection Agency.
Tom Murray
Tom Murray is a pollution prevention and sustainability expert, most re-
cently serving as a Senior Science Advisor with the United States Environ-
mental Protection Agency. Tom has over 44 years in government service.
He is the architect of several environmental partnership programs. Tom
holds a Bachelor's Degree in Biology from Mount Saint Mary's University
in Emmitsburg, Maryland and a Master's Degree in Biology/Environmen-
tal Science from the American University, Washington, D.C. Tom retired
from federal service in January of 2016 and is now president of Tom Mur-
ray Environmental Consulting located in rural Maryland. Email him at:
All views expressed here are my own and do not represent the opinions of
any entity whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated.