Healthy Indoors | 17
AprilAire of Madison, Wisconsin, is unveil-
ing this month new branding and showcase
products at the 2022 AHR Expo in Las
Vegas and the NAHB's IBS (the National
Association of Home Builders International
Builders' Show) in Orlando. A large team of
AprilAire experts and executives will be on
hand at these back-to-back industry events
to introduce new branding for the compa-
ny, a new booth design, and to showcase
new products.
The two industry events will be the first
time the HVACR industry sees AprilAire's
new branding design which features a new
AprilAire Unveils
New Radon Products
at Two HVAC shows
logo, an updated color palette, and a new
typeface. The re-branding was a result of
focus group feedback among employees
and consumers over the course of six
months in 2021 and a team of design ex-
perts subsequently working with AprilAire
executives and planners to finalize the up-
dated brand design. AprilAire has been the
nation's indoor air quality expert since it
began healthy air solutions in 1954 and the
company's tried and true commitment to
best-in-class products remains behind its
new look. The company has also invested
in five core values with the goal of bringing
Honored with numerous awards for his
spirited passion for teaching, Fredi continues
to serve as a prominent advocate about the
importance of STEM education nationwide.
In Fredi's empowering session "Improba-
ble to Unstoppable" he will share his secrets
using humor and passion about how his na-
tional champion robotics team achieved un-
precedented success. He will also present on
how embracing diversity and believing in hu-
man potential can break barriers and inspire
the possibilities of imagination and innovation
within all of us.
This year's program features pre-confer-
ence workshops, as well as 30-plus educational
sessions covering diverse and timely topics like
mold, chemical contaminants, infectious diseas-
es, business success and growth, and more.
If you are unable to attend in person, you
can still have access to all session recordings
by registering for view on demand! All sessions
will be recorded and audio-only will be synced
with the PowerPoint presentations. Record-
ings will be available 30 days after the event.
For more information and to register
for the event, go to their website at https://