12 | December 2022
Healthier Workplaces:
Episode 6: Product Stewardship
Dr. Taylor's work focuses on uniting medical and
building science to understand and manage the in-
fluence of the indoor environment on human health.
The power of managing indoor exposures to de-
crease diseases and optimize human wellness is
powerful, and currently greatly underutilized.
Healthier Workplaces: Episode
5: AIHA's new PR(IH)DE Special
Interest Group
Over the past few years, there has been a
heightened emphasis on, creation of, and
expansion to diversity, equity, and inclusion
initiatives (otherwise known as DEI) in the
workplace. These programs reinforce cul-
tures of psychological safety among workers
who increasingly come from diverse back-
grounds, perspectives, and life experiences.
In this episode we meet three members
of AIHA's new PR(IH)DE Special Interest
Group, Mike Ierardi, April Clayton, and Jake
Shedd, to learn about their team's goals.
Welcome to Healthier Workplaces, a program dedicated to highlighting the efforts of the industry professionals who protect our
workers and their communities from occupational and environmental hazards.
The Healthier Workplaces Show will come to you twice monthly. Each episode will cover a variety of timely and informative
topics about industrial hygiene and environmental health and safety issues as we speak with professionals from the various
sectors of the industry.
The program is hosted by industry veteran, Bob Krell. The series is produced for AIHA by Healthy Indoors® / IAQNET LLC.
Catch all the episodes and learn more at http://healthierworkplaces.org and on our Healthy Indoors Online Global Commu-
nity at: https://global.healthyindoors.com/c/healthier-workplaces