Healthy Indoors Magazine - USA Edition

HI January 2023 - USA Edition

Healthy Indoors Magazine

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44 | January 2023 stories of pregnant mothers having to evacuate to relatives' homes hun- dreds of miles away in order to protect their growing babies from the potential health harms of wildfire smoke. For far too many families, wildfires are chang- ing the terrain of everyday life in fright- ening, stressful ways. Taking in more bad news about climate-driven weather extremes is daunting—even learning about the increasing impacts of wildfires can trigger climate anxiety, even for those of us who might not be directly affected. But for me, it can help to think of information like new research on wildfires as a call to action. I may not be able to protect all the people I love from the physical and mental health effects of wildfires, but I can choose to advocate for policies that can mitigate future climate warming and increase our resilience to the climate challenges we'll inevitably face. And so can you: if you haven't yet, join Moms Clean Air Force in fighting for our kids' right to breathe clean air. There's a lot of work ahead of us, but none of us must do this work alone. LEARN MORE ABOUT WILDFIRES AND YOUR HEATH Elizabeth Bechard of Durham, NC, is senior policy analyst for Moms Clean Air Force. She is also a health coach, author, former clinical research coor- dinator, and a public health graduate student at the London School of Hy- giene and Tropical Medicine. After be- coming a mother, Elizabeth became passionate about the intersection be- tween climate change and family resil- ience. She is the author of Parenting in a Changing Climate: Tools for Cul- tivating Resilience, Taking Action, and Practicing Hope in the Face of Climate Change. Her work with Moms Clean Air Force has been featured in U.S. News & World Report, Reader's Di- gest, Forbes, the Charlotte Observer, and Chapelboro and on Good Morn- ing America and the Hope. Act. Thrive podcast. MOMS Clean Air Force continued from previous page TELL CONGRESS: HELP YOUNG PEOPLE COPE WITH CLIMATE ANXIETY

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