Healthy Indoors Magazine - USA Edition

HI Jul-Aug 2023 - USA Edition

Healthy Indoors Magazine

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22 | July/August 2023 "This effort to try to improve indoor air quality and reduce the burden of re- spiratory pathogens is something we have talked about at the White House – a lot of experts have been talking about it," Jha said. "Talking is important, but what ASHRAE did over the last six months in building out Standard 241, that just got approved, fun- damentally changes the game. It is one of the most important public health interven- tions I have seen in years, if not decades. It is really heartening to see this organization take a central role in tackling the biggest challenges facing human health in the U.S. and around the world." You can watch Jha's full speech at 3hypifrBY. ASHRAE Honors Jha; Releases IAQ Standard D uring this summer's Annual Con- ference in Tampa, Florida, ASHRAE awarded Dr. Ashish Jha with a spe- cial Presidential Certificate of Honor. The former White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator was honored for his advocacy during the pandemic that led to greater White House indoor air quality investments including the release of a National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan and the Clean Air in Buildings Chal- lenge. In his acceptance speech, Dr. Jha praised ASHRAE's leadership through the development of ASHRAE Standard 241, Control of Infectious Aerosols to improve indoor air quality as a critical public health intervention in controlling the spread of infectious disease. In other ASHRAE news, the group has published its consensus-based, code en- forceable standard, developed to reduce the risk of infectious aerosol transmission in buildings. It is expected to change the fu- ture of the indoor air quality (IAQ) industry. ASHRAE Standard 241, Control of Infec- tious Aerosols can be purchased at ashrae. org/241. Standard 241 establishes minimum re- quirements to reduce the risk of airborne disease transmission, such as SARS-COV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, the flu virus, and other pathogens in buildings like sin- gle and multi-family homes, offices, schools, and healthcare facilities. The standard ap- plies to new and existing buildings and ma- jor renovations and provides requirements

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