Healthy Indoors Magazine - USA Edition

HI Jul-Aug 2023 - USA Edition

Healthy Indoors Magazine

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36 | July/August 2023 Carl Grimes Continued from previous page Model-T in within the framework of an un- bridled ChatGPT world of chaos. Field practitioners need to not only pay attention, but actively participate on getting the road to health in buildings effectively available and safe. comes a goal, there will be a need for a clearly defined pathway to success. If ef- fective guardrails are not created to guide success, and to prevent disasters, it risks an outcome like what we currently have now in the mash-up of horse-and buggy with epidemiology to the indoor environment, at least include it as a confounder to be controlled for. Several heads nodded in agreement, and I received comments of support afterwards. Last month at the Tampa meeting, ASHRAE Standard 241, Control of Infec- tious Aerosols was officially approved for publication. Its description includes: "The implementation of this standard brings benefits to occupants and promotes healthier environments." It is important to appreciate that this standard was initiat- ed as a response to a directive from the White House. As of earlier this month, it is available for purchase from the ASHRAE Bookstore. The June ASHRAE meeting also includ- ed the first meeting to develop an offi- cial ASHRAE Position Document, Human Health, and Wellness in the Built Environ- ment. This was initiated by the combined leadership of the SGPC10 committee and the Environmental Health Committee. Health of people in buildings is final- ly becoming recognized as a "thing," and various organizations are initiating specific activities. As the health of occupants be- Carl rim es Carl Grimes, HHS CIEC, has direct experience consulting with those who experience complaints indoors and as a leader in the industry intended to fix those causes. Because he also originally ex- perienced the harm in his personal life, he has a unique perspective and approach for understanding and communicating the complica- tions and confusions between them. He is past president of IAQA, vice president of practice of ISIAQ, and chaired the IAQA Healthy Home committee that wrote the Healthy Home Assessment Prin- ciples course. He has served on committees writing the original S520 mold remediation standard, medical practice parameters for allergists, official policy position statements for ASHRAE, plus sev- eral peer reviewed and published papers. He's currently director of healthy homes for the Hayward Healthy Home Institute and Hay- ward Score in Denver, Colorado; and vice chair of ASHRAE TC1.12 on building dampness, and chair of ASHRAE's SGPC10 commit- tee Interactions Affecting the Achievement of Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. You can reach him by email at

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