Healthy Indoors Magazine - USA Edition

HI Jul-Aug 2023 - USA Edition

Healthy Indoors Magazine

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8 | July/August 2023 Mo Sh Mo Co In Sh Se ealth ndoors ow A weekly, live talk show about indoor environmental topics, hosted by Bob rell moderated by Susan Valenti. It streams on the Healthy ndoors® nline Global Community every Thursday beginning Fall 2023 from 1:00 2:00 PM ET. Viewers can request to participate on-camera in moderated discussions with our hosts and guests during the live show! AI A ealth ier orkp lac es ow A new program dedicated to highlighting the efforts of the industry professionals who protect our workers and their com- munities from occupational and environmental haz ards. Each episode will cover a variety of timely and informa- tive topics about industrial hygiene and environmental health and safety issues as we speak with profession- als from the various sectors of the industry. ndoor nv ironm ents: lob al Researc to Ac tion A new season of the show that explores how research can be translated to practice on a variety of topics related to our built indoor environments. The nterna- tional Society of ndoor Air uality and Climate ISIAQ and the ndoor Environmental uality Global Alliance IEQ -GA) have partnered to create this unique show. This monthly program is hosted by Bob rell, and EQ -GA president, onald Weekes. ealth ndoors AFT R RS ow The month- ly online show from Healthy Indoors hosted by Bob rell, Jo e Medosch West returns in Fall 2023 for another season! Picture yourself walking into the hotel lounge after a day of sessions at an industry event and having a conversation with a group of experts. This is definitely not your typical industry tal sho You can watch all our programs live, and check out recent video recordings, or listen to Podcasts of our episodes in the new Healthy ndoors nline Global Community at: :/

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