Healthy Indoors Magazine - Global Edition

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Healthy Indoors Magazine

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Healthy Indoors 19 For additional information, please visit PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS Conference training workshops 4 – 8 hours in length will be included in the 2017 conference program, taking place on Sunday, January 29th, 2017. IAQA is seeking abstract submittals for these workshops as well. These workshops should provide advanced training in the the- ory and practice of a topic relevant to indoor air quality, including HVAC and building science. Proposals will be considered for both basic and advanced workshops, though advanced workshops are preferred. Proposals should include: a) Statement of Need b) specific learning objectives c) an outline of the subject material. The source of all material presented at IAQA must be identified as described above (personal experience, published literature or other source) and declaration made of any competing interests.

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